French greenhouse gases emission registry

On this website, you will find information about:

  • Forms,
  • Applicable international regulation,
  • Glossary, FAQ and procedures
  • Reports
  • fees

News :

Compliance date

From 2024 and for subsequent years, the compliance date (deadline) for stationary installations, aircraft operators and maritime operators is changed to September 30th. COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2023/2904 (chapter (4))


Olympic Games Paris 2024

Due to reinforced security measures and traffic restrictions taken by public authorities in Paris, mail delivery will be disrupted during this period. They should lead to delays in the delivery of correspondence addressed to the French GHG Registry.

Please use the following address to correspond with us:

    Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
    Registre Français des GES (A2)
    DPS – DFi - P0F400
    56 rue de Lille
    75007 Paris